As has been precedent for the last 21 years, the East Caribbean Group of Companies (EGCG) has this year, given financial assistance through the granting of full scholarships and book allowances to children of its Employees who were successful in the Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA). This year’s ceremony held at the ECGC Training Room on August 7th, 2020 saw Natalia Charles and Kaeli Martin became the recipients of the two full scholarships while Sophia DeRiggs, Shania Craigg and Jeffrey Knights Jr. received book allowances.
The full scholarship awardees will each receive EC$1,200.00 per year for five years of secondary school while the book allowance awardees will collect EC$600 each. Additionally, these awards are extended for a further two years of college education locally, at a value of EC$1,500.00 and EC$750 for the full scholarship and book allowance respectively.
Natalia is the daughter of Mrs. Samanthia Lugay-Charles, employed in the HR Department; Kaeli is the daughter of Mr. Ewan Martin of the Maintenance department; Sophia is the daughter of Mr. Elvis DeRiggs – CEO while Mr. Jemel Craigg, an employee within the Production department of East Caribbean Feeds is Shania’s dad. Jeffrey Jr’s dad is Mr. Jeffrey Knights, of the Maintenance department.
Chairing the ceremony was Mrs. Phyllis James – Human Resource Manager who explained the facets of the scholarships awarded and congratulated the recipients and their parents. Remarks were given by Mr. Owran Charles a former full scholarship holder and son of ECGC’s employee Ms. Cynthia Charles. He encouraged the students to understand the value of money and the numerous efforts parents make for their children throughout their school journey. He also spoke about being focused and preparing for the increased work of secondary school. The awards were distributed by Mr. Paul Velox – Operations Manager – who also congratulated each recipient.
Each student was given an opportunity to speak; they thanked their parents for their support and ECGC for awarding the scholarships. Ms. Makeda Frederick-Smith, ECGC’s Marketing Officer, gave the vote of thanks congratulating the students on their excellent performance, the parents on their support of their children, the company on their notable service to employees through their financial assistance and encouraged the students to keep up the good work.
These five students executed exemplary work in the CPEA exams therefore ECGC wishes them the best in their educational endeavours.